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In 2020, we were able to provide updated didactic materials to equip teachers for the new school year. This action also ensured that children were given the opportunity to receive quality education through their fully equipped instructors.

Your amazing contributions helped us exceed our goal and allowed us to serve 81 teachers in 6 schools.

Additionally, we were able to positively impact over 2000 children and help limit the spread of infectious diseases, such as COVID-19, in the school environment. We held interactive hand hygiene demonstration sessions and we provided hand hygiene posters to help reinforce the skills the children learned. We also provided hand washing stations, soap and hand sanitizers to each school. To date, this project is deemed successful based on the feedback we have received from our partner schools. 

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+243815236991 (DRC)


Congo4Tomorrow is a 501 (c)(3) tax-exempt nonprofit organization

EIN: 81-4411803 

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